Naturopathic Medicine
Medicine That
Stands the Test of Time
Naturopathic medicine is dedicated to the study and celebration of nature’s healing powers. The core practice of naturopathic medicine is as old as healing itself, and as modern as new medical breakthroughs. The profession incorporates a dynamic philosophy and recognizes the interconnection and interdependence of all living things. Naturopathic medicine prioritizes the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies to treat illness, and promotes wellness by viewing the body as an integrated whole. Naturopathic medicine is defined by principles rather than by treatment options. Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for lifelong wellness.

Medicine That
Stands the Test of Time
Naturopathic medicine is dedicated to the study and celebration of nature’s healing powers. The core practice of naturopathic medicine is as old as healing itself, and as

modern as new medical breakthroughs. The profession incorporates a dynamic philosophy and recognizes the interconnection and interdependence of all living things. Naturopathic medicine prioritizes the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies to treat illness, and promotes wellness by viewing the body as an integrated whole. Naturopathic medicine is defined by principles rather than by treatment options. Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for lifelong wellness.
Naturopathic and Functional Medicine principles and therapies serve as the foundation of our signature Whole Health Transformation Program.

Naturopathic Doctors
Experts In Natural Medicine
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) complete a 4-year, post-graduate doctoral program at an accredited naturopathic medical school. They receive extensive training in conventional medical sciences and natural healing techniques. NDs receive hands-on medical training, completing a minimum of 4,100 hours of both classroom instruction and clinical experience. They are licensed and regulated in several U.S. states (including Colorado), Canada, and other countries. Licensing requirements involve passing board exams (Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination or NPLEX) and maintaining continuing education.

NDs speak and understand the language of conventional medicine, but they have a broader set of tools and insights to offer their patients. Naturopathic medical education places a greater emphasis on healthy lifestyles, natural therapies and disease prevention, and less emphasis on pharmaceutical therapy. NDs also learn therapies such as Chinese medicine, physical medicine, hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, and counseling.

Naturopathic Doctors
Experts In Natural Medicine
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) complete a 4-year, post-graduate doctoral program at an accredited naturopathic medical

school. They receive extensive training in conventional medical sciences and natural healing techniques. NDs receive hands-on medical training, completing a minimum of 4,100 hours of both classroom instruction and clinical experience. They are licensed and regulated in several U.S. states (including Colorado), Canada, and other countries. Licensing requirements involve passing board exams (Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination or NPLEX) and maintaining continuing education.
NDs speak and understand the language of conventional medicine, but they have a broader set of tools and insights to offer their patients. Naturopathic medical education places a greater emphasis on healthy lifestyles, natural therapies and disease prevention, and less emphasis on pharmaceutical therapy. NDs also learn therapies such as Chinese medicine, physical medicine, hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, and counseling.
The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine Unite NDs Across the World
First Do No Harm
Core to all medical practice is the desire to help the human form and condition. NDs typically approach care by utilizing the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies. NDs will refer when the patient’s presentation is outside their scope or level of skill.
The Healing Power of Nature
NDs recognize the value of our natural world in assisting the healing process. Not only do NDs utilize substances that originate in nature, but they also incorporate a healthy natural environment as foundational to human health. Naturopathic doctors recognize and harness the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself in order to guide patients to wellness and total health.
Identify and Treat the Causes
There is a time and place for symptom suppression, however, most naturopathic patients will benefit from identifying the underlying causes of illness and removing obstacles to cure.
Doctor as Teacher
Naturopathic doctors elevate patient health literacy. That means that NDs are part of the team helping patients have a better understanding of what it takes to be and stay well. Through education and a trust-based relationship, patients better understand the steps they need to take to achieve and maintain health.
Treat the Whole Person
Naturopathic doctors understand the interconnectedness of our body, our environment, and our lifestyle on total health. It is only through this whole-person-based approach that NDs seek to restore balance and health.
Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible. Through their comprehensive practice, NDs combine all six principles to identify potential areas of imbalance and teach patients how to get well and stay well.
The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine Unite NDs Across the World
First Do No Harm
Core to all medical practice is the desire to help the human form and condition. NDs typically approach care by utilizing the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies. NDs will refer when the patient’s presentation is outside their scope or level of skill.
The Healing Power of Nature
NDs recognize the value of our natural world in assisting the healing process. Not only do NDs utilize substances that originate in nature, but they also incorporate a healthy natural environment as foundational to human health. Naturopathic doctors recognize and harness the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself in order to guide patients to wellness and total health.
Identify and Treat the Causes
There is a time and place for symptom suppression, however most naturopathic patients will benefit from identifying the underlying causes of illness and removing obstacles to cure.
Doctor as Teacher
Naturopathic doctors elevate patient health literacy. That means that NDs are part of the team helping patients have a better understanding of what it takes to be and stay well. Through education and a trust based relationship, patients better understand the steps they need to take to achieve and maintain health.
Treat the Whole Person
Naturopathic doctors understand the interconnectedness of our body, our environment and our lifestyle on total health. It is only through this whole-person-based approach that NDs seek to restore balance and health.
Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible. Through their comprehensive practice, NDs combine all six principles in order to identify potential areas of imbalance and teach patients how to get well and stay well.
Naturopathic Medicine
Defined By Principles
Naturopathic medicine prioritizes the most natural, least invasive, and least toxic therapies to treat illness and promotes wellness by viewing the body as an integrated whole. It enhances the effectiveness of other treatments and medical interventions.

The Therapeutic Order
A common question for those who have not visited a naturopathic doctor before is how ND practice is different from what they might be used to in conventional models. The Therapeutic Order guides how the naturopathic principles are applied, and is based on the idea that the human body possesses an inherent drive to heal itself. It posits that the least amount of force be employed in order to promote gentle, safe and long-lasting health and well-being.

The Therapeutic Order characterizes the natural progression of naturopathic therapeutic recommendations to maximize patient benefit and reduce the potential for damage or harm. Naturopathic care ultimately focuses on the individual and what is best for them at that moment in time.
Naturopathic physicians use the therapeutic order in prioritizing, individualizing and guiding treatment for their patients. The therapeutic order works from least to most invasive interventions, from the inside out, from more general strategies, to more symptomatic, specific and targeted therapies. It includes seven steps that should be applied from the bottom up, increasing in intervention as needed to restore health. Central to the therapeutic order is that the order is not rigid, and is adapted to each patient.
The following are the seven components and stages of the therapeutic order.
1. Remove Obstacles to Health
In order to return to health, the initial step must be removal of anything impeding the healing process. This is often referred to as “removing obstacles to cure.” Naturopathic physicians create a plan with their patient that addresses these obstacles (common culprits are poor diet, excessive stress or disruptive coping mechanisms, digestive disturbances, inadequate rest, toxic exposures, socioeconomic stressors, trauma, etc.) in an effort to remove them and their effects, and improve the conditions under which the disease developed. Removing the things that are disturbing health allows the person’s vitality to increase, the self-healing process to be optimally engaged, and further therapeutic interventions to have the greatest beneficial effects possible. Removing obstacles to cure is core to the expression of the Naturopathic Philosophical Principle, Treat the Cause.
2. Stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms
Every person has within them an innate wisdom and intelligence that tends toward the optimal expression of health. In naturopathic medicine, this is called the “Vis Medicatrix Naturae.” The “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” is the body’s innate healing ability, the process of healing that engages with one’s “vital force” or life force, as it is often termed.
Naturopathic physicians use various therapies such as nutrition, botanical medicine, physical medicine, lifestyle counseling, acupuncture, homeopathy and hydrotherapy to stimulate and enhance this mighty and dynamic force and process allowing the body to heal itself.
3. Strengthen Weakened or Damaged Systems – Restore and Regenerate
Sometimes the mind, spirit and body’s systems or functions need more than stimulation to improve. Systems that are under or overactive, or that need repair or support are addressed in this step. Naturopathic physicians use their broad and varied natural medicine(s) and healing practices to aid in restoring optimal function to an entire physiologic or organ system. This might include applying botanical medicine, hormone balancing, professional-grade supplements, homeopathy, counseling, manual therapies, acupuncture and others with the intention of enhancing the function of specific tissues, organs or systems; or at the psycho-emotional level.
4. Correct Structural Integrity
This level involves the use of physical therapies such as spinal manipulation, massage therapy, electrotherapy and cranio-sacral therapy to improve, support, and maintain musculature, fascial and skeletal integrity. Therapeutic movement, optimizing biomechanics, physical therapy and exercise may also be employed at this level to promote return to optimal structural condition.
5. Use Natural Therapies to Address Pathology and Symptoms
Although the primary objective of naturopathic medicine is to restore health, not to treat a distinct pathology, there are instances where specific pathologies must be addressed and managed. In these cases, naturopathic physicians utilize physiologically synergistic, dependable, effective natural substances. These substances are unlikely to add toxic burden, cause adverse effects, place undue additional strain on an already disordered system, nor undermine the vis medicatrix naturae, while relieving the symptoms which cause suffering.
6. Use Pharmaceutical or Synthetic Substances to Stop Progressive Pathology
Synthetic or pharmaceutical substances may be necessary to restrain or strongly manage symptoms, and address specific pathology that is negatively impacting a patient’s quality of life or safety. NDs recognize that suppressing symptoms removes some of the awareness that helps us better understand the root cause of an issue and the ability to restore vitality.
7. Use High Force, Invasive Therapies to Suppress Pathology
Sometimes it is necessary in the interest of patient health, comfort and safety to suppress pathological symptoms, prior to addressing underlying causal factors, and ultimately restoring health. Though suppressive or palliative therapies may result in reduced symptomatic expression, even when done with the best of intentions, the end result of suppressive therapies is that the original, fundamental disturbing factors will continue to impact the person by sustaining disruption of functions (though perhaps to a lesser degree). Resolution of the disturbing factors may also be impeded or halted until the patient is stabilized and can address underlying causes while minimizing suffering and preventing further deterioration.
Our Signature Whole Health Transformation Program incorporates naturopathic principles, empowering you to live with more vitality.

The Therapeutic Order
A common question for those who have not visited a naturopathic doctor before is how ND practice is different from what they might be used to in conventional models.

The Therapeutic Order guides how the naturopathic principles are applied, and is based on the idea that the human body possesses an inherent drive to heal itself. It posits that the least amount of force be employed in order to promote gentle, safe and long-lasting health and well-being. The Therapeutic Order characterizes the natural progression of naturopathic therapeutic recommendations to maximize patient benefit and reduce the potential for damage or harm. Naturopathic care ultimately focuses on the individual and what is best for them at that moment in time.
Naturopathic physicians use the therapeutic order in prioritizing, individualizing and guiding treatment for their patients. The therapeutic order works from least to most invasive interventions, from the inside out, from more general strategies, to more symptomatic, specific and targeted therapies. It includes seven steps that should be applied from the bottom up, increasing in intervention as needed to restore health. Central to the therapeutic order is that the order is not rigid, and is adapted to each patient.
The following are the seven components and stages of the therapeutic order.
1. Remove Obstacles to Health
In order to return to health, the initial step must be removal of anything impeding the healing process. This is often referred to as “removing obstacles to cure.” Naturopathic physicians create a plan with their patient that addresses these obstacles (common culprits are poor diet, excessive stress or disruptive coping mechanisms, digestive disturbances, inadequate rest, toxic exposures, socioeconomic stressors, trauma, etc.) in an effort to remove them and their effects, and improve the conditions under which the disease developed. Removing the things that are disturbing health allows the person’s vitality to increase, the self-healing process to be optimally engaged, and further therapeutic interventions to have the greatest beneficial effects possible. Removing obstacles to cure is core to the expression of the Naturopathic Philosophical Principle, Treat the Cause.
2. Stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms
Every person has within them an innate wisdom and intelligence that tends toward the optimal expression of health. In naturopathic medicine, this is called the “Vis Medicatrix Naturae.” The “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” is the body’s innate healing ability, the process of healing which engages with one’s “vital force” or life force, as it is often termed.
Naturopathic physicians use various therapies such as nutrition, botanical medicine, physical medicine, lifestyle counseling, acupuncture, homeopathy and hydrotherapy to stimulate and enhance this mighty and dynamic force and process allowing the body to heal itself.
3. Strengthen Weakened or Damaged Systems – Restore and Regenerate
Sometimes the mind, spirit and body’s systems or functions need more than stimulation to improve. Systems that are under or overactive, or that need repair or support are addressed in this step. Naturopathic physicians use their broad and varied natural medicine(s) and healing practices to aid in restoring optimal function to an entire physiologic or organ system. This might include applying botanical medicine, endocrine balancing, professional grade supplements, homeopathy, counseling, manual therapies, acupuncture and others with the intention of enhancing the function of specific tissues, organs or systems; or at the psycho-emotional level.
4. Correct Structural Integrity
This level involves the use of physical therapies such as spinal manipulation, massage therapy, electrotherapy and cranio-sacral therapy to improve, support, and maintain musculature, fascial and skeletal integrity. Therapeutic movement, optimizing biomechanics, physical therapy and exercise may also be employed at this level to promote return to optimal structural condition.
5. Use Natural Therapies to Address Pathology and Symptoms
Although the primary objective of naturopathic medicine is to restore health, not to treat a distinct pathology, there are instances where specific pathologies must be addressed and managed. In these cases, naturopathic physicians utilize physiologically synergistic, dependable, effective natural substances that are unlikely to add toxic burden, cause adverse effects, place undue additional strain on an already disordered system, nor undermine the vis medicatrix naturae, while relieving the symptoms which cause suffering.
6. Use Pharmaceutical or Synthetic Substances to Stop Progressive Pathology
Synthetic or pharmaceutical substances may be necessary to restrain or strongly manage symptoms, and address specific pathology that is negatively impacting a patient’s quality of life or safety. NDs recognize that suppressing symptoms removes some of the awareness that helps us better understand the root cause of an issue and the ability to restore vitality.
7. Use High Force, Invasive Therapies to Suppress Pathology
Sometimes it is necessary in the interest of patient health, comfort and safety to suppress pathological symptoms, prior to addressing underlying causal factors, and ultimately restoring health. Though suppressive or palliative therapies may result in reduced symptomatic expression, even when done with the best of intentions, the end result of suppressive therapies is that the original, fundamental disturbing factors will continue to impact the person by sustaining disruption of functions (though perhaps to a lesser degree). Resolution of the disturbing factors may also be impeded or halted until the patient is stabilized and can address underlying causes while minimizing suffering and preventing further deterioration.
Focus On
What's Best For You
The Therapeutic Order characterizes the natural progression of naturopathic therapeutic recommendations to maximize patient benefit and reduce the potential for damage or harm. Naturopathic care ultimately focuses on the individual and what is best for them at that moment in time.
Zeff J. The Process of Healing: A Unifying Theory of Naturopathic Medicine. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 1997;7:122-5.
Snider P, Zeff J. NM 5131 – NMTP 5141-5143. Naturopathic Clinical Theory. Course Syllabus and Materials 1998.
Zeff JL, Snider P, Myers S. A Hierarchy of Healing: The Therapeutic Order. The Unifying Theory of Naturopathic Medicine. In: Pizzorno JE, Murray M, eds. Textbook of Natural Medicine. Missouri: Churchill Livingston; 2006.
Zeff JL, Snider P, Myers S, DeGrandpre Z. A Hierarchy of Healing: The Therapeutic Order. A Unifying Theory of Naturopathic Medicine. In: Pizzorno JE, Murray M, eds. Textbook of Natural Medicine. Missouri: Churchill Livingston; 2013.
Zeff J, Snider P, Myers SP, DeGrandpre Z. The Therapeutic Order, the Determinants of Health, and the Process of Healing in Naturopathic Medicine and Education. In: Wisneski L, ed. The Scientific Basis of Integrative Health. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge; 2017.
Pizzorno JE, Snider P, J. K.Naturopathic Medicine. In: Micozzi MS, ed. Fundamentals of complementary and alternative medicine. 2nd, 3rd, 4th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 2001, 2006, 2011:xxv, 464 р.
Pizzorno JE, Snider P, Micozzi MS. Contemporary Naturopathic Medicine. In: Micozzi MS, ed. Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston; 2015.
Pizzorno JE, Snider P. Nature Cure, Naturopathy, and Natural Medicines. In: Micozzi MS, ed. Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingston; 2015.
Myers, SP, Hunter, A, Snider, P & Zeff, J 2003, ‘Naturopathic medicine, in T Robson (ed.), An introduction to complementary medicine, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, pp. 48-66.
Finnell. J., Snider, P., Myers, S., Zeff. J. A Hierarchy of Healing. Origins of the Therapeutic Order and Implications for
Research. IMCJ. May-Jun 2019. Advance Release to be published in Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine – The Healing Power of Nature. Senior Eds. Snider, P., (Executive Editor) Zeff J., Pizzorno J., Myers S., Sensenig, J., Newman Turner R., Warren D., Kruzel, T.; Medical Ed. A. Neil, Production Ed. K. Tenpa. Nature Cure Science Ed. John Finnell. Publ. Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine Institute (FNMI). © FNMI & IMCJ.
Naturopathy is a system of medicine that prioritizes natural, non-invasive therapies to support the body's self-healing mechanisms. Homeopathy is actually a separate, distinct system of medicine that uses highly-diluted substances called "remedies" to stimulate the body's natural ability to heal. Naturopathic doctors are trained in the use of homeopathy as a natural therapy, and we do sometimes recommend homeopathic remedies for our patients.
Professionally-trained naturopathic doctors complete a 4-year, accredited naturopathic medical program. When searching for a naturopathic doctor, it is very important that you select a provider who has attended CNME-certified program. Only these providers are eligible to take board exams and obtain a license or registration to practice.
NDs receive training in all of the basic sciences including anatomy, physiology, histology, genomics, biochemistry, pathology, immunology and microbiology. They are also trained in clinical sciences such as pharmacology, gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, gynecology, psychiatry, dermatology and minor surgery, plus all aspects of diagnosis using labs, imaging (x-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound) and physical examination.
A naturopathic doctor completes an internship with over 1,100 hours of patient care and takes rigorous two-part board exams to become licensed or registered by a state or Canadian province. Some naturopathic doctors also obtain board certification in the areas of oncology or pediatrics.
NDs speak and understand the language of conventional medicine, but they have a broader set of tools and insights to offer their patients. Naturopathic medical education places a greater emphasis on healthy lifestyles, natural therapies and disease prevention, and less emphasis on pharmaceutical therapy. NDs also learn therapies such as Chinese medicine, physical medicine, hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, and counseling. In contrast, conventional medical school curriculum is based heavily on drug and surgical treatments, with few or no courses offered in nutrition, botanical medicine or non-drug therapies.
Where NDs differ greatly from MDs is in their philosophy and treatment approach.
Naturopathic doctors correct the underlying disturbances that are contributing to a person's illness rather than only suppressing symptoms. NDs prioritize gentle, non-invasive therapies first and use drug treatments or surgery referrals only when necessary. Prevention is paramount to naturopathic practice; instead of waiting for disease to surface, NDs work to intervene before it happens. Naturopathic doctors are known for spending a considerable amount of time with their patients, which is in contrast to the short appointments that are common in the conventional setting.
With all of their similarities and differences, both conventional and naturopathic medicine play important roles in our healthcare system, and both have strengths and limitations.
Naturopathy is a system of medicine that prioritizes natural, non-invasive therapies to support the body's self-healing mechanisms. Functional medicine emerged from the principles of naturopathic medicine. Functional medicine is simply the coined term for an approach to health care that is holistic and patient-centered and incorporates the latest scientific understanding about how environmental and lifestyle factors interact with individual biology to influence sickness and health. Like naturopathy, functional medicine aims to prevent disease and help the patient live with more vitality.